Paragliders Paramotors Accessories
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ITV + APCO Paragliders, Harnesses and Helmets
A complete range of Paragliders Specialized in Paramotor gliders. Great match to the SYNERGY paramotors. Or complete SYNERGY Paramotor starting @ $9200.
SUPAIR line of paragliders + SkyBean Altimeters
Full range of Paragliders, Harnesses and accessories. Buy a Leaf2 paraglider + Access airbag harness + Helmet + Reserve + Variometer $100+… Visit our Paragliding Store Here
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SYNERGY 7 paramotor
Why is it the best choice?
Internal Fuel System
3 gallon fuel capacity with easy / reliable in flight fuel monitoring! Sideways and forward Weight shift system (first in the world!)
Thumb Activated Throttle
A pilot needs his fingers to hold risers and controls during take off and in flight. With our design your fingers are always free to operate your paramotor.
Lighter and more compact than Ever
starts at 19Kg and up depending on engine model. No Aluminum fatigue, no weld fatigue, reliable! Packs down into 1 small 28" suitcase and is easy to assemble with only 12 nuts & bolts.
Excellent for beginners to Tandem pilots
Operation especially with lightweight split leg harness. No more headaches fixing bent tubes after a bad landing thanks to HDPE plastic support feet!
Easily assembles under 10 minutes!
The SYNERGY 7 also available with the Atom80, Moster185, EOS100 and 150, Polini 80 to 250cc engines!